17 September 2015

Centre for Ocean Life-Seminar 1 and Getting Around Copenhagen

Image credit: Centre for Ocean Life

Seminar for the Centre for Ocean Life 

The Centre for Ocean Life is a Villum Kann Rasmussen Centre of Excellence, working to better understand marine ecosystems by bringing together multiple marine science research disciplines.

Yesterday I provided a seminar for more than 20 graduate students, faculty and staff on how to develop societally relevant research questions through education and outreach. In addition to an explanation of my experience in research science and education and an overview of the Fulbright Specialist Program, topics included the Ocean Literacy campaign and highlights of the work of the Centers for Ocean Science Education Excellence (COSEE). Activities discussed included the results of the COSEE Scientist Engagement Survey, the COSEE-TEK Ocean Science and Technology Day, and the COSEE NOW Broader Impacts Wizard. The next seminar will focus on selecting an appropriate audience for a research project's the education and outreach efforts.

Placing scientific research in a societal context.
Photo credit: Ivo Grigorov

A Bicycle Friendly City

Copenhagen rivals Amsterdam as the most bike-friendly city in the world. Each day, I can take a train (tog) or ride a bike to DTU Aqua.  Dedicated bicycle lanes are located between the pedestrian sidewalk and the street, and you can take a bicycle on most trains and the metro during non-peak hours. As I attempt to fully experience Danish culture, I'd like you to meet my main mode of transportation for my stay in Copenhagen!
Dedicated bike lane.
Photo credit: Diana Payne

A borrowed bicycle ensures easy access to the Copenhagen area - thanks Ivo!
Photo credit: Ivo Grigorov

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